Who am I?

My Mission

Ciao ciao! My name is Dong Gun Kim, and I am currently a missionary with YWAM Pisa living in Rosignano-Marittimo, Italy!


My calling and journey into global missions started at a very young age, as I was born into a family that sought to follow and obey the Lord’s leading. My parents were both full-time ministers growing up, and I was a witness to what a life on mission for Jesus looked like.


Although I grew up in a missional environment, I did not have a personal relationship with God until my DTS in April of 2022. It was in Kona, HI, where I was saved, baptized, discipled, and sent out to the nations.


The next two years of my life following my DTS were devoted to a season of learning God’s Word and discovering God’s specific calling upon my life. After much prayer and counsel from Godly mentors in my life, I recognized that God was calling me to answer the call to global missions. I had a Isaiah 6 moment with the Lord in the prayer room in YWAM Kona, where I dedicated my life to following Jesus Christ.


Currently I serve with the most amazing Tempero family in Rosignano, Italy, who have been mentoring me in what it looks like to do missions in Italy. I serve with them alongside many other missionaries, receiving God’s heart for the Italians and the nations beyond.


It is my hope that with your prayers and financial support, that I can continue to carry out God’s will for the nation of Italy here in Rosignano-Marittimo.

Frequently Asked Questions

My call to Italy began during the outreach phase of my DTS. While I was visiting the many different locations in Northern Italy, God began to plant a seed of desire to see the Italians equipped and transformed by the truth of Christ and His Word. As I spent more time in Italy and Kona, God spoke to me personally in my times of prayer as well as through spiritual leaders that I greatly trust.

I believe that missions starts with the great commission as found in Matthew 28:19-20. It is not so much focused with going as much as it is with proclaiming the Gospel to all and teaching those who believe to walk in faithful obedience to Christ’s commands. My definition of missions is very close to that of my spiritual role model Paul Washer. Paul Washer defines missions as, “the command of the Lord Jesus Christ to the church to preach the gospel to every person in the world, to instruct in the full counsel of God those who believe, and to establish churches according to that counsel.”

There are three areas that the Lord spoke to me about in my call to the nation of Italy. I believe that the Lord has called me to (1) proclaim the truth (2) expand His Kingdom (3) and host His Presence. The main way I will do these three things is through Bible training in the local body of Christ, discipling missionaries to be sent into Italy and the nations, and by leading God’s people into His Presence through musical worship.

On November 29th, 2023, the Lord gave me a vision of a wall of fire that started alongside the coast of Italy that spread inward toward the capitol of Rome. I believe that there is a revival of truth that is like a wall of fire that is going to grip and transform the hearts of Italians, giving birth to another wave of missions and Italian missionaries being sent to all nations. I live and work to see this vision fulfilled.

You can partner with my mission through a variety of methods and ways. Firstly, I believe that the most powerful way you can partner with my mission is through the ministry of intercession. Please hit the contact button below to connect with me and stay prayerfully engaged with my next steps. Another crucial way you can partner with me is through your ministry of giving. The truth is, I cannot carry out the work I have been called to without your generosity and obedience to give if the Lord places that Godly desire upon your heart. Your financial contribution can truly help in bringing revival and reformation to the nation of Italy. If you feel led to give, press the give button below to sow your seed of love into Italy!

Partner with me

If you feel led to become a co-partner with me in my Gospel ministry to the nation of Italy, click the connect button below!