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Unedited thoughts on leadership 1

Disclaimer: Thought I’d just use this platform to motivate me to think and ponder on the topic of leadership to a greater capacity as I continue to be discipled by Jesus. I won’t be editing these articles, so for whoever ends up reading these, I hope you can get one or two insights from my raw thoughts on leadership!


This past week we have been going through a series called “Identity Week”. It has been a week of great enlightenment and growth as I learn who I am in God. The truth is, I went into this week thinking I already knew everything there was to know about identity. I came in hard-hearted, but God did not fail to destroy my pride by the end of the week.


My first realization about leadership this week was that a good leader does not claim or pretend to know everything about anything. I’m reminded of the Dunning-Kruger Effect as I currently write. The idea that those who overestimate their knowledge or ability in any particular subject/field are actually the ones with the most limited knowledge. I realized this truth as God began to surface doubt in my actual knowledge of who I was. I began to see that the knowledge I had about my identity in Christ was blown up and stuck in my head. Thankfully, the Lord began to break that pride down in me as I brought my burdens to Him. My identity in Christ shifted from a head knowledge to a heart knowledge.


I have also been a leader in my work duties whenever our hospitality leader is not available to supervise us. What I’ve been learning during my work duties is that the attitude and posture of a leader is supremely important. If I went into my work duties everyday with a negative attitude and talked about how tired I was of cleaning, it would truly bring a spirit of depression and ingratitude upon the whole group.


This was my second realization about leadership this week: as a leader, you can’t afford the luxury of an off-day. I don’t mean to sound legalistic when saying this either. The truth is that if you are in a position of leadership, God has placed you in that position because He knows you are capable of it. If you rely on your own strength, however, you will most definitely disappoint yourself and others.


I want to write so much more on this topic but I don’t have the time unfortunately! This season in Kona has been so busy for me (in a good way). I have to go lead worship in the Prayer Room now.

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