My Ithaka

Life here in Rosignano Marittimo, Italy, has been like a well of living water to my soul. On my way to LAX to take my flight to Rome, I had no idea what to expect or encounter when I arrived. Honestly, I didn’t know if I would even make it to my destination (train systems always intimidate me)! I knew I was coming to study the Bible for my BCC course in Rosignano, but I just had a feeling that there was more that God had in store for me.


As I stepped off the plane and fumbled my way through the busy Roma airport, an overwhelming sense of peace washed over me, a peace that cannot be found in this world. Stepping outside the revolving doors I took in the sights, the smells, and the noise around me. I felt the firm, yet uneven, shape of the stones beneath me as I felt the wonderful breeze of Spring air envelop my hands. I was free indeed.


The journey from Rome to Rosignano was no easy feet, as I had three different trains to hop in order to arrive at my desired destination. The first and third train hops were easy, but it was the second transfer that made me lose my way. However, with the help of a friendly Italian lady, I was able to make it to the right platform-platform four! I exhaled a sigh of stress and relief as the doors of the train closed behind me.


Through many tunnels, hills, and valleys our train ride faithfully rode-not failing to move forward on the tracks that it was designed and purposed to satisfy. I could hear the distant chattering of a middle-eastern couple, the excited conversation of tourists discussing travel plans, and the snores of a worn-out working man. As usual, the white noise of the train hitting the tracks put me to sleep, as I was jet-lagged and physically strained from a forty plus hour travel day.


This particular day, it was the beautiful rays of light’s first dawn that beckoned my being into existence once again. I picked up my heavy eyes and feet as I made my way to the windows, eager to witness my first Italian sunrise. The sun was just coming over the mountains, half-piercing through the silhouette of the dark shadowy figures. I could vividly see the shadows begin to hide as the light took up its territory once again. Just as the sun was rising and stretching its presence through the land, the biggest smile I had not smiled in a while took up territory on my face, and I broke out in a quiet, yet ecstatic, shout for joy that woke up some people near me.


I had finally arrived at my final destination, and I began to think about the friends I was being reunited with. I began to imagine what their reactions would be to seeing me again. It was just then, as I visualized my reuniting with my friends, when I realized something about the beauty and tragic sadness of my situation. Just as quickly as I had been reveling in the many new experiences I had had on my journey to Rosignano, I was beginning to forget them and move on to the fantasies associated with my destination.

C. P. Cavafy has this to say in his poem “Ithaka” (selected quotations):

As you set out for Ithaka hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery…Hope your road is a long one…Keep Ithaka always in your mind. Arriving there is what you’re destined for. But don’t hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you’re old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich. Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey. Without her you wouldn’t have set out. She has nothing left to give you now.

Oftentimes in our pursuit of the destinations of our lives, we lose focus of what truly should matter to us-that is the journey that is the lived experience of the struggles, pain, joy, failure, and victory of our journey. We could learn a thing or two from C. P. Cavafy today on the philosophy of living. Keep the destination on your mind (it is your destination) but don’t hurry the journey. Experience. Feel. Weep. Listen. Empathize. Rationalize. Take in the breathtaking views of life picture by picture, not feeling the need to hurry. If you were made to glean wells of joy from your journey, hurry is going to be the thief of your journeys’ many joys.


As I close out this reflection, I give credit to the inspiration of this blog to whom the credit is due, that is the wonderful Italian lady I have been getting to know here-Virginia. She is a beautiful and timely woman who owns a hotel by the sea-side in Rosignano called Hotel Pensione Signorini. We have been conversing over cake and tea about the meaning of life and the beauty of poetry, and I have learned so much more from her humble spirit than her wealth of knowledge about life. As she explained to me (with her open heart) what the poem Ithaka meant to her, I could swear that I could see an ocean of deep love within her big brown eyes. I could see the pain she has endured as well as the joys and beauties she has experienced in life-with just one look. It is truly powerful how much can be communicated with one look when both parties receive each other in grace and humility.


The truth is that my ultimate destination or Ithaka in life is the marriage supper of the Lamb. When I am made ready as Christ’s bride, putting on fine linen-bright and pure. Although my heart palpitates and seeks to leap out of my chest even at the thought of reaching my destination, I have begun to see that the true beauty is in the journey I get to live with my Savior Jesus. He is the reason that I live, breathe, move, and have life in my body. He is the reason I wake up in the morning full of life and vitality. Let me end in this way:

As you set out for JESUS hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery…Hope your road is a long one…Keep JESUS always in your mind. Arriving there is what you’re destined for. But don’t hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you’re old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way, not expecting JESUS to make you rich. JESUS gave you the marvelous journey. Without JESUS you wouldn’t have set out. JESUS has nothing left to give you now.

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