Partner With Me

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners


Isaiah 61:1

Dong is a great son, former ministry partner, and a missionary who embodies the heart and values of Christ. I am confident that any ministry Dong is a part of is worth your spiritual and financial support.
Jaeho Kim
Reverend & pastor of the Bridge Church

It is my pleasure to let you know that I come under the umbrella of Modern Day Missions, an ECFA approved 501c3 ministry that ensures my spiritual and financial accountability as a ministry as well.


When you give financially to my mission, you will donate through the Modern Day Missions website and you will receive the appropriate tax deduction and receipt for your financial contribution. If you are outside of the United States, you can also donate from any where in the world on the Modern Day Missions website.


Please click on the Modern Day Missions link to set up a monthly, quarterly or annual contribution or to make a one-time donation.


Thank you!

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Partner With Dong

Thank you so much for joining me to help disciple the next generation of Italian believers. The mission of my ministry is all by faith; therefore, I am so grateful for your financial support to see God’s work flourish and thrive.


I am part of a missionary organization, YWAM Pisa, which has a board made up of mature and solid ministry leaders and pastors that serve as oversight and accountability for the ministry.


There are two ways you can give to my ministry:

1) through MDM (click the give button)

2) through Zelle (Bank Transfer)

     Zelle: (805) 231-1342

     Name: Dong Gun Kim

Thank you again so much for your kindness and generosity as you join with me in the ministry of bringing restoration and hope to the next generation.